NORTHERN DAILY TELEGRAPH SPECIAL NEWS BULLETIN Friday, 7th May, 1926 --------------------- Price One Penny No material change strike situation. After Emergency Regulations debate Commons last night Miners' Executive held meeting and Mr H. Smith denied report workers made peace overtures. Mr Poulton in official statement said miners' case wholly in hand General Council. Miners' Executive arranged week-end meetings in country; speeches by 40 M.P.'s. Appeal to avoid violence and lawlessness made to Mass Meeting over 2,000 on Blackburn Market Ground last night by Mr T. Hurley, Chairman Strike Committee. Said Corporation refused withdraw skeleton tram service, workers in Cleansing Department probably brought out. 'Britain Workers' says T.U.C. gives unqualified 'No' to Premier's request unconditional withdrawal strike notices. Announcement of Chief Civil Commissioner says: 'When strike ended Government will take effectual measures prevent victimisation by Trades Unions of men who remain at work or who may return to work, and no settlement will be agreed on by Government which does not provide for this for a lasting period. No one who does his duty loyally to the country in the present crisis will be left unprotected by the state from subsequent reprisals.' Charged London with acts calculated cause mutiny among Forces John Smith and wife remanded. Said to have distributed naval men untrue leaflets. --- Man fined £10 throwing advert board tram driver. --- Tram employee fined £5 shouting 'We want revolution'. --- Prison sentences three weeks for obstructing trams; man six months knocking down police inspector with bottle. Fire 'London Times' office, said be due to incendiaries. --- Mr Cook this morning repudiated statement attributed to him that it is 'all hopeless; we have realised it'. He said 'I am still hoping commonsense will prevail and miners get a fair settlement.' In Chancery Court National Sailors' Firemen's union moved injunction restrain secretary and six delegates Tower Hill Branch calling members strike without ballot. Injunction granted over Tuesday. --- Food position stated to-day by Government representative to be satisfactory in home counties and that all London underground lines will be working to-morrow. It is officially stated that at on Leicestershire station 81 out of 168 men returned duty. --- Police at Tyldesley stoned when protecting coal delivery to mill. Ugly scenes last night Middlesbrough where attempt made hold up passenger train; stone thrown and Mr Walker, Stationmaster, badly injured. Police charged with batons and officer badly injured. Crowd followed arrested man police station. Addressed by Mayor and members of Council and dispersed. Facilities distribution food supplies withdrawn last night from Messrs Lyons by Workers' Union in London, but handling of commodities carried on by army of volunteers. Soon normal conditions prevailed. Serious disturbances East End Glasgow and 66 people locked up; several injured, including police sergeant struck by brick. Youth dashed through window; condition critical. Repeated baton charges throughout day; quietness restored by midnight. At Leeds 'Yorkshire Post' appeared four full pages yesterday; 'Mercury' two pages. 'Yorkshire Evening Post' and 'News' frequent intervals. In London improved transport service. Disorder in Old Kent Road area, several injured taken hospital. Private car burned. Published by the Proprietors of 'Northern Daily Telegraph', Blackburn. 2nd Edition More Nelson mills closing. Several thousand operatives idle after today Weavers' Association claiming unemployment pay. --- Convoy of motor wagons left Nelson for Manchester under police protection. Pickets dispersed quietly. Extra train at Blackburn today --- Early train Hellifield - Manchester 9 - 30. Second train from Manchester 10 - 45 went on Burnley expected return 1 - 30. Burnley Manufacturers' Association deceided carry on long possible but several mills likely stop weekend Whittaker Limited, Boiler Makers, closed. --- Bankhouse Ironworks close weekend --- Train left Manchester for Burnley --- Train called Chorley at 9 - 30 --- Manchester to Blackpool. Leyland Festival postponed. --- Fire Hippodrome, Leyland, slight damage. At Lancaster bus and tram men joined strikers. Service by voluntary workers. At Fleetwood heavy motor transport all parts country. --- Ninety minute service on section Southern Railway. --- Federation Boot Manufacturers ordered not use over 50 per cent normal power. --- Cardiff trams run volunteer labour. At Bournemouth Corporation notified tram men unless resume duty by Tuesday services dispensed with. Volunteer driving trams. Burnley strike committee state 1,000 pickets on duty, committee to publish own news bulletin. --- Two convoys motor wagons under police protection through town this morning. --- At Blackpool Private motor coaches still running. Mayor intimidated no power withdrawal. --- Gas and Electricity workers on duty. --- Blackpool Tradesmen's holidays observed Tuesday and Wednesday next. --- Of six trains scheduled Preston the 8 - 55 a.m. Preston - Carlisle was canceled owing slight mishap leaving siding. --- A Lowestoft 70 per cent tram service running. Yarmouth trams resumed all services. --- Train service Carlisle, Hellifield, London maintained. Over 500 trains Southern Railway yesterday. Newspaper Society states Provincial Press replied vigorous fashion attempt muzzle it, nearly every provincial paper from which information has been received publishing. In very many cases editions and sizes normal. In several important centres reported printing staffs either remained work or returned after brief absence. In areas which daily papers have ceased, penetrate Weeklies printing daily bulletins. --- 'Liverpool Echo' and 'Express' jointly issued four-page sheet. International Federation, at British request, prohibit unloading British trawlers in Holland, and forbid Dutch trawlers to go to Britain. Today 26 provincial evening papers publishing usual editions and 35 emergency editions. At Blackburn grave position owning to skeleton tramways service. Unions such as Transport & General Workers' Union, of which tramwaymen are members, received instructions that, unless skeleton service withdrawn, immediate action taken to withdraw labour from other Corporation Dep'ts., which might include Cleansing and Gas. These instructions received Wednesday evening. Up to present, through efforts or representatives Trades Council & Labour Party, action witheld. Still hoped something will be done ensure maintenance essential Corporation services. Volunteer recruiting going on steadily. Miners' Executive, after consultation T.U.C., adjoined. No development. --- Cabinet met. No Blackburn buses. Pendle Co., resuming tomorrow. 6 - 50 workman bus to Clitheroe. Return 7 - 5. Four-lane ends full service. Threat wreck brewers' motor Oaks Bar frustrated by Wilpshire Police. --- First train since Monday, Accrington, Manchester to Burnley. 200 volunteers enrolled. --- Accrington railway men did not get wages today, wage clerks on strike. --- Several Preston mills closed. Merchants prevented taking potatoes Preston Dock. Dealers enough present needs. --- Preston North End players signed: Wharton, Wade, Hamilton, Cook, Kicks, Gerrard, Walmsley, Morris, Fisher, Russell, Jackson, James, Harrison, Young, and Radcliffe. 1946 was the just one year after the 1939-45 second world war ended. If you were reading this, not knowing the outcome of that war, you would be quite sure that Britain had lost. Old names, now long gone, are mentioned; there are no mills or pits now. Apart from Blackpool there are no trams left. The Unions were in their heyday and wielding power. From the number of people willing to volunteer it would seem that the ordinary person did not agree with them. You will also note that however bad things became there was always time for football. I hope you can understand the abbreviated writing of this Special News Bulletin which must have been second nature to the person who typed the original. The blue heading is mine. |