Topic: Take fear out of your lives.

Take Fear Out of Your Lives

Spirit (Margaret): Hello. My name is Margaret.

I would like if possible, for you to understand, that fear is something that you must take out of your lives.

I lived in what is now called America, in the days when it was being pioneered and fear was always at our right shoulder. Fear of the land, fear of the animals, and fear of lack of food, of drought, of storms, fear for our children and of the natives. Our life seemed to be overshadowed by fear, and each and every one of us can allow this to happen.

Fear of walking down our roads, fear for your old age; we get the impression that human beings when on earth, in your physical bodies, too much allow fear to dominate you. I realise now how much I missed in that life, because I allowed fear to dominate my thinking, instead of being thankful for the food I had, looking with awe on the storms, and admiring the animals because ultimately, most of them didn’t want to hurt us. Fear for my children, quite unnecessary. They all lived to a ripe old age, a successful life. Fear for my own old age, I needn’t have worried.

Fear of death, and that is something that many people suffer from; but death came to me at a fairly early age; in an ambush by natives many of us died… but what was there to it? For a few seconds, as I remember, there was a feeling of draining, a thump on part of my body, a falling forward, a lack of control, and the draining I think was my soul leaving my body. What was there to fear, because there was such light, such beauty, so much to do? My only regret, and I hope it is one that you people will never have, is that I allowed fear to overshadow my life, because there were so many wonderful things around me, as there are around you. Don’t let them slip past you because of fear.

This may not apply to you people personally, but when you are talking with others, if there is fear in their lives try and help them overcome it, whether it is fear of pain, or a fear of whatever else, for it may never happen.

Look to today, that is what is so important for everyone.

I realise that in many ways I had a wonderful, adventurous life, but I didn’t make the most of it because I allowed fear to dominate. There is much fear in your world and in some cases understandable, but explain to people, if you can, that it doesn’t go on forever… because at the end, if the greatest fear is death, how wonderful it is the other side!

I won’t keep you any longer, but we would ask that you yourselves try and overcome any fears you may have, and help others do the same. It is rather an important thing.

Good night and it was a pleasure for me to speak.

Good night.

The source of this material is Ken Hanson of Waiheke Island, New Zealand, whose Cockney wife is the Medium.
Ken passed to the Higher Life in August, 2009.

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