Short Items & Extracts |
Writer |
Books |
Writer |
John Hardaker |
A. E. Perriman |
Through Lucy Hale |
Lord Dowding |
Lord Dowding |
Many Mansions (an extract) |
Lord Dowding |
An Interesting extract from this Journal. |
Margaret Vivian |
S. N. U. As given through Winifred Moyes |
Through the Mists (also in Dutch). |
R. J. Lees |
R. J. Lees |
High Flight (poem) |
John G. Magee |
R. J. Lees |
The Cobbler (an extract) |
Rev. Vale Owen |
R. J. Lees |
Welcome Home (an extract) |
Rev. Vale Owen |
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Sometimes I Wonder (poem) |
F. J. Lee (Blacksmith) |
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Eileen Garrett |
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Norma Cornett Marek - 1989 |
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
The Constructive Use of Feelings (Seminar Notes) |
Dr. John L. Wallen Ph. D. |
Stainton Moses |
Dr. John L. Wallen Ph. D. |
Stainton Moses |
Healing List - A4 size. A blank form to write down the names
of people who need healing. |
John Hardaker |
Paul Miller |
Healing List - Letter size. A blank form to write down the names of people who need healing. |
John Hardaker |
Margery Lawrence |
Prayers for Church Services. |
John Hardaker |
Estelle Roberts |
John Hardaker |
A. F. Webling |
Various |
'The Soldier' |
Supplied by Timothy Parker |
Geoffrey Gilbey |
Ghosts of the Tsunami |
Colin Wilson |
Helen Greaves |
Unknown |
Teachings of Silver Birch |
Hanen Swaffer's Home Circle |
R. J. Leys |
Jessie Platts |
Mr. F. J. Lee in 1960 |
Anon |
Rev. J. R. Edwards of Weston-super-Mare |
Through Mrs Elizabeth Sweet |
Mr. Peter King of Reading. |
M. Agnes Fox |
Dr. Danny Penman |
Charles Frye |
John Hardaker |
Airmen who would not die (an extract) |
John G Fuller |
In a séance with Eusapia Paladino |
New York Times journalist. |
Man and The Spiritual World Written in 1903. |
Rev. Arthur Chambers |
Where are you now, my Love? |
John Hardaker |
Memoranda of Persons, Places and Events. |
Andrew Jackson Davies written about 1850. |
J. J. Snyder (U.S.A.) |
Testimony of Light |
Helen Greaves |
Mostly Arthur Findlay |
Stewart Edward White |
The Selfie-Stick and the Sunflower |
The Rev. Richard Smail |
"X" through Elsa Barker. |
War Letters from The Living Dead Man |
"X" through Elsa Barker. |
"X" through Elsa Barker. |
F. W. H. Myers through Geraldine Cummins. |
F. W. H. Myers through Geraldine Cummins. |
Travellers in Eternity Interesting communications |
Geraldine Cummins | ||
Dr. Carl A. Wickland, M.D. |
On the Edge of the Etheric A must read book. Written 1931 |
Arthur Findlay Stansted Hall |
Where Two Worlds Meet Transcripts of meetings held in Glasgow |
Arthur Findlay Stansted Hall |
The Rock of Truth Written 1933 |
Arthur Findlay Stansted Hall |
The Unfolding Universe Written 1935 |
Arthur Findlay Stansted Hall |
Rosemary Brown |
Leslie D. Weatherhead |
The Unobstructed Universe Published 1940 |
Stewart Edward White |
Florence Marryat |
W. T. Stead |
Helen Greaves |
Kenneth through Madge Wood. |
Ruth Mary Tristram |
Links Through Space |
William Blackwell |
Geoffrey Murray |
Sylvia Barbanell |
Helen Greaves |
Claude's Book |
Edited by L. Kelway-Bamber |
Christ in You - a small book (advanced) |
Not known (Communication) |
Communicated by W. T. Stead who died on the Titanic. |
Edward C. Randall |
Edward C. Randall |
Mrs. Joy Snell (Nurse) |
J. H. Remmers |
The Rev. G. Maurice Elliott |
Wellesley Tudor Pole |
Maurice Barbanell |
Elsa Barker |
Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas |
Charlotte E Dresser |
Anthony Borgia |
Anthony Borgia |
Percy J. Hitchcock |
Edward Stephen Tracey |
J.S.M. Ward B.A. |
Roger Whitby |
A Subaltern in Spirit Land. |
J.S.M. Ward B.A. |
Edited by Hester Travers Smith |
Harry Edwards |
Harry Edwards |
Walter Carey |
Percy Johnson |
Laurie Worger |
W. T. Stead |
Jane Roberts |
Silver Birch Anthology | Silver Birch spoke in a London Circle | ||
The Survival of Man | Sir Oliver Lodge F.R.S. | ||
Glimpses of the Next State | Vice-Admiral W. Usborne Moore | ||
Thoughts from the Inner Life | D. E. Baily (pub 1886) | ||
Our Unseen Guest |
Darby & Joan (pub 1920) | ||
As One Ghost to Another | John Scott | ||
I Lent a Hand to a Ghost | John Scott | ||
Many Lives, Many Masters | Dr. Brian Weiss |
Jordan Past | F. E. Scatcherd |
Excursions to the Spirit World | Frederick C. Sculthorp | ||
Widening Trails A ww2 bomber is shot down over Berlin. |
Linda L. Metcalf | ||
We Are Here | Ludvig Dahl (1864 - 1934 ) |
Witness from Beyond | A. D. MATTSON, S.T.D. through Margaret Flavell Tweddell transcribed by Ruth Mattson Taylor |
Harvest of Light |
Edited by: Neville Armstrong |
The Children of Evolution | N. O. Davies |
The Psychic Bridge An Advanced book published in War Econonomy Standard. |
Jane Sherwood. |
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