Spiritual Philosophy Web Pages by John Hardaker

Lucy's Pages

Communications from the Spirit World. Transcripts of recordings in a Circle and Spiritualist Churches in the UK of Lucy Hale's Guides and Helpers. This Web Site was originally created to publish these talks. MP3 recording are available.
Ken Hanson's Scripts
More Communications from the Spirit World. Ken Hanson sent transcriptions of a Circle held in his home in Waiheke Island, New Zealand. His wife is the Medium through whom the spirit people spoke to the group of sitters. Her main communicator was a Cockney. A lady advised that Ken passed to the Higher Life in August, 2009.
Leeds Castle and
Lady Baillie
Something that occurred while looking around Leeds Castle in Kent.
Books to Download
Spiritual Books and other items including extracts from books in PDF format. Other formats can be supplied upon request.
Books to read
This section contains a list of Spiritual books and their authors with some links. Some will be out of print while others are available on-line.
Prayers for Church Services
A collection of prayers on various topics.
Magazine Articles Articles published in the Osney Benefice Magazine.
History Some historical information and a letter written to my Father from his older Brother during the First World War.
Hymn Tune CDs
Hymn Tunes on four CDs created by an organist who has been playing for churches of various denominations in the UK for many years. Intended for group or personal use. These are older, traditional Hymn Tunes. No singing on the tracks. Should you only require one or two hymns let me know.
Don Galloway
Don, now departed this life, sits at a desk in the Cober Hill hallway.
A Caring Society?
Extract from 'Unite' Post Office Workers Magazine about a person being imprisoned in a Care Home.

Technical Items

Nimrod - The Mighty Hunter - Rutherford Lab
This is a new venture based on some photos that I took during my time in the Operations Group of Nimrod. If you have memories from those days at the Lab please get in touch. It will take some time to build up this section of the Web Site.
How to get your msn.com email account to work in Outlook 2007
How to get your msn.com email to download into Outlook 2007. This should also help with other version of Office as the settings are required by msn.com (which is actually Outlook.com) to connect to the server.
Attending to a faulty DVD drive
Being unable to burn a DVD and everything failed to improve the situation the drive was taken to pieces and cleaned. Here are some pictures and description of what was done. This proved to be successful.
Six Channel Audio Mixer with RIAA module.
An old, but effective circuit that uses the 'new' BC-109 Semiconductor. Article dated 1965. The RIAA module is easy to construct and runs from a 9 volt battery. Just the job for getting your vynal recordings onto the computer for making CDs.
SCART Lead Construction
Describes a method of making a SCART lead for UK Television, DVD, Satellite, etc, systems.
Scart may be (is) on the way out in favour of HDMI. Read about HDMI 1.4 Spec.
Setting up a Wireless Keyboard / Mouse
The sure, certain method of getting your USB Receiver, Wireless Keyboard and Mouse going. This took me some time to work out, despite the instructions, which assume things you may not know or realise at the time.
Windows 7 not updating
A new install of Windows 7 Home Premium will not update. Checking for updates brings up an error message. Possible solution to the problem. This seems a bit redundant now there are no more updates but might be useful.
Blocked I.P.s
A list of I.P. addresses that have tried to break into my system. For some reason Ipillion.com has gone. I found this web site really useful for finding out who is that I.P. trying to break in.
Repairs to Yamaha electronic organs, keyboards, clavinovas, etc. also computer servicing in the Oxfordshire area. Qualifications include JEB Diploma in I. T. also HNC Electrical from some time ago.

John Hardaker, Bampton, Oxfordshire, UK

Any questions about these pages to please.

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